#105 Becoming a Warrior Part 2


This episode is a follow up to episode #87 Becoming a Warrior.

“The successful warrior is the average man with laser-like focus.”

The important part of this quote is “the average man,” meaning any everyday person. Bruce Lee is describing how any person can be a warrior if they have concentrated focus.

Becoming a Warrior involves the mind, body, and spirit, and an attitude of persistence in cultivating the self, healing and growth. A true warrior operates from their heart and operates for the betterment of themselves and those around them.

A warrior has no part that they ignore; they have equal attention for their mind, body, and spirit.

The warrior takes responsibility for their own path and has the ability to change their behavior.

The warrior has an attitude of limitlessness.

In Part 1 of Becoming a Warrior, Shannon shared how her path is different than her father’s path.

Shannon believes that the ability to heal is an important aspect to Becoming a Warrior. For Shannon, one of the big things that she is working on is the body aspect of her warrior journey. Part of the process was letting go of some anger she had been holding onto, and this has increasing her feeling of centeredness and general wellbeing.

Holding onto anger physically hurts yourself. Letting go of your anger does not mean that your initial anger was not justified, but that your anger is finished. Revisiting your anger repeatedly keeps you in a fixed place, and when you let go of that anger you are free to move forward.

If you are holding on to anger, then you are expending energy to fuel your anger. When you let that anger go, then you will have more energy to put towards positive activities and growth.

When Shannon let go of that anger, she found that she had more energy to put towards developing her body and working out.

Part of Shannon’s Warrior journey is creating her “fun” calendar. This calendar is all her social activities, workouts, self-care, and any other fun activity. Shannon enjoys looking at the calendar and it lifts her spirit to fill her time with fun. Overall Shannon’s energy is up and feeling better. With her energy up, Shannon is able to share her energy more with her friends and family.

A Warrior lives by a code. We invite you to start considering your Warrior Code. What universal principles are important to you? What aspects of life do you want to give your full attention to with mind, body, and spirit?

We would love to hear about your path to becoming a true warrior! If you would like to share your own stories about your path to becoming a true warrior email us at hello@brucelee.com or tag us @brucelee on social media with #bruceleepodcast.

We get many emails requesting advice with “What would Bruce Lee do?” and would like to start a “What would Bruce Lee do?” section of the podcast where Shannon and Sharon respond to your emails for advice. If you need advice and are wondering, “What would Bruce Lee do?” write to us at hello@brucelee.com


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